It’s time to make the Difference.

Let’s make a Democratic World.

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The Globe

In the BASIS Tucson North Presidential Campaign 2015, we are hosting the campaign for trade policies. Trade is a factor that affects all, American or not. It is the medium of communication, ideas and technological advances. It is the picture of nations worldwide and the portrait of modernity and human civilization. As such, the face of America and the pride of being an American is most clearly shown using trade policies. We believe that a good trade policy affects not only how we present ourselves to other nations but how we see other nations.

We Believe.


We believe that globalization is good for the world and its economy.

Globalization is the spread of ideas, goods, and views freely across the world. As a democratic nation, it is to our utmost interest that democracy be spread across the world but not be imposed on with force. Globalization is, therefore, a solution to not create a democratic region, but a free democratic world, a world where every nation has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

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Helping Impoverished Countries

We believe that trade can help impoverished countries recover and strengthen their economy.

It has been known to us that the United States is a self-sufficient nation. It has also been known by us that many nations are in the grievous danger of  poverty and as such not only face the brink of detrimental misuse of their resources, but impose the threat to other, less impoverished nations. Therefore, it is to our immediate interest that such perishment be spared from these countries, and instead, help ourselves by helping them.

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Fair Trade

We believe in fair trade.

Fair trade is, as defined by Fair Trade USA, products that “come from farmers and workers who are justly compensated”. It is a goal of many companies, and we believe that the US should follow this policy too. Fair trade is ethical and improves the economy of third world countries, especially those that supply the world with food.

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National Debt

We believe that the US should, to an extent, restrict imports from well off countries, as these drain our capital and increase debt.

For the past decade, America has failed to balance its budget. We want the US to be on top of its current accounts (exports minus imports). This is a key aspect of our beliefs, as this will not only help the US climb out of its mountain of debt, but also show other nations that the US is still a trustworthy, dependable country.

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Export Policy

We believe that the US should increase exports and remove restraints on international companies based in the US.

The current restraints on international corporations based in the United States hold them back from reaching maximum profit. As this is bad for the economy, our group advocates against these policies. Instead, we want to let the companies reach maximum output without hindrance from the government. These companies will bring the profits home to the United States, bolstering our economy.

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We believe that outsourcing is good for the world economy.

Outsourcing allows US-based companies to expand their business and reach higher profits by lowering production costs. Outsourcing is held in a negative light, but the truth is that it helps the world’s economy by strengthening weaker, more vulnerable markets. Many people say that this hurts the United States’ economy by stealing jobs, but once again, we think otherwise. The US is typically called on to lend money and aid other, weaker nations. By allowing outsourcing, we are preventing fragile economies from collapse, and this helps the US to save money. Additionally, many companies need to expand, for they cannot contain all parts of production in the US; therefore, it is important that they can rely on outsourcing.

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